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MAAT 8th anniversary
aniversário MAAT
aniversário MAAT

MAAT celebrates its 8th anniversary on October 4, 5, and 6, 2024, with a special programme. Over three days, the museum will host a variety of activities and experiences exploring the intersection of art, architecture, and technology. Join us!



04/10/2024, Friday


10.30–18.45: Flash tours of all exhibitions and works in the MAAT Garden:


16.45–17.45: Tour of the Black Ancient Futures exhibition with the co-curator, Camila Maissune, and the writer Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida.

These paired tours aim to bring together the perspectives of professionals from various fields (writers, journalists, filmmakers, and artists) to explore each exhibition, offering new insights and meanings.


18.00–19.00: Performance We´re Magic. We're Real #3 (These Walls), by Jeannette Ehlers, artist of the Black Ancient Futures exhibition.

With Laura Beaujour, Marisa Paulo and N▲N▼. 

In this performance, hair emerges as an important identity marker of the African diaspora, serving as a simple yet powerful gesture. Performers of African descent will be connected to the façade of MAAT Central through long braids, as if they are growing from the walls. The braids will remain on display at MAAT for the duration of the exhibition. Jeannette Ehlers began developing the performative series We’re Magic, We’re Real in 2020. Accompanied by the roar of the Atlantic, the performers move slowly back and forth in front of the building, periodically repeating a phrase, each in a different language: Portuguese, English, and Danish.



05/10/2024, Saturday


09.30–10.15: Meditation with art in the Black Ancient Futures exhibition

With Mário Rodrigues

Mindfulness meditation practice that invites participants to pause, relax, and open their senses and curiosity to art. In addition to the meditation practice, participants will learn some mindfulness and slow art strategies—focusing on well-being and observing artworks in a holistic way, facilitating the emergence of new layers of meaning


10.15–11.15: Themed tour: How does this Museum work?

With Thais Bressiani 

This tour explores the functioning of a contemporary art museum through the characteristics and particularities of the exhibitions and buildings of MAAT.


10.30–18.45: Flash tours of all exhibitions and works in the MAAT Garden:


11.00–12.30: Percussion Workshop: Drums speak, drums tell stories.

During this workshop, children will be introduced to the magical world of percussion by experimenting with various percussion instruments of African origin. Through group and individual activities, they will learn the basics of rhythm, beats and tempos, developing musical skills in a playful and fun way.


15.00–16.00: Tour of the Nosso Barco Tambor Terra exhibition with the exhibition artist Ernesto Neto and a guest to be announced.  

These paired tours aim to bring together the perspectives of professionals from various fields (writers, journalists, filmmakers, and artists) to explore each exhibition, offering new insights and meanings.


16.00–17.00: Tour of the INVERTED ON US exhibition with the exhibition artist Catarina Dias and guest curator Marie Terese Bruglacher.

Visit in english


17.00–19.00: Procession concert O Barco Vai de Saída (Oval Gallery at MAAT Gallery and Praça do Carvão)
Artistic director: Tânia Lopes. Assistance: Joana Neves. Special participation by artist Ernesto Neto

Musical entourage: BANGBANG PERCUSSÕES, Bloco Bué Tolo, Adufe & Alguidar, Baque Mulher Lisboa (BML), Coletivo Gira

O Barco Vai de Saída (The Boat is Setting Sail) is the title of the concert procession that marks the closing of the exhibition Nosso Barco Tambor Terra, and is part of the programmes celebrating MAAT's anniversary. Moving from inside to outside the museum, The Boat is Setting Sail begins within Ernesto Neto's installation, activating the work through song and the instruments that are part of it. The musical procession then follows the ramp of the museum to the outside, in a continuous musical celebration, like a symbiotic “living body” of sounds, rhythms, beats, and geographies. The intersections and exchange of knowledge are central to Ernesto Neto's artistic practice and worldview. In this context, The Boat is Setting Sail presents itself as a symbolic moment of farewell and celebration of the exhibition, which will depart from MAAT to other destinations, with its own existence animated by the artist and the various participants.



06/10/2024, Sunday

14.30–16.00: Architecture tour

With Fabrícia Valente

A tour to the architecture of the MAAT Gallery and MAAT Central, two buildings with very striking and emblematic architectural styles in the city of Lisbon. This tour is designed to challenge the viewer to understand architecture as a dialogue between form, function, space, light and matter. 


15.00–18.30: Flash tours of exhibitions and works in the MAAT Garden:


15.00–17.00: Workshop Sewing and Cooking

The artist sees embroidery, sewing, cooking and playing as fundamental ways of experiencing the world. He learned to crochet at his grandmother’s house, among a community of women – a predominantly female setting. Other activities included painting porcelain and cooking. The title of this workshop, Sewing and Baking, is inspired by the artist's relationship with his grandmother, from whom he learnt the crochet technique so present in his work. 


15.30–16.30: Tour of the days are numbered exhibition with the artist of the exhibition Daniel Blaufuks and the writer Dulce Maria Cardoso.


16.00–19.00: Youth Collective MAAT | ECOLOGY OF FEELING: OUTSIDE THE BOX


Participants in the 2023/24 edition of the MAAT Youth Collective, based on the theme Ecology of Feeling, have developed theoretical and practical exercises in mapping approaches, drawing from notions of geographical, cultural, and emotional territory. In a closing event/activity for this edition, everyone will be invited to participate in a new mapping between the surrounding territory of MAAT and emotional territories. This map/body created a performance by the Collective outside the doors of MAAT from 16:00 to 19:00, where, based on questions posed by the Collective, participants will contribute sharing and reflection "outside the box."



17.30–18.30: Tour of All the World's a Stage exhibition by William Klein with the museum's deputy director Sérgio Mah and filmmaker Marco Martins. 



During the celebrations of MAAT's 8th anniversary, the museum will host a Block Party on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of October. Learn more about the programme for this celebration here.



Useful information:

  • Target Audience: Children, youth, and non-specialist adults
    Dates: 04/10/2024 to 06/10/2024
  • Price: €15. Daily ticket (Free for MAAT Friends and for children up to 12 years old.)
    15% discount on museum admission ticket for those with a Block Party ticket.
    10% discount on the Block Party for those with a museum ticket and MAAT Friends.
  • All ticket types require exchanging them for MAAT wristbands, allowing multiple entries to and exits from the Museum throughout the day.
  • Activities and Programmes: Free. Subject to capacity limits. Registration at the ticket office upon arrival.



Exhibition tours

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida is the author of fourteen books, including the novels Esse Cabelo, Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso, As Telefones, Três Histórias de Esquecimento, Ferry, and Toda a Ferida é uma Beleza, winner of the 2024 APE Grand Prize for Novel and Romance.

Christiana Martins: "I started reading in Brazil and ended up writing in Portugal, a worker of words. With an accent, because roots are not something you let go of. And it was with this accent that I interned at 'Diário de Notícias', worked at 'Público', and landed at 'Expresso'. For 12 years, I searched for myself in the Economy sections, got lost in the Magazine, passed through Society, and returned to the Magazine. Always a journalist, writing, because someone will read it. Besides the accent, the only certainty I have is that learning is a never-ending task. After all, as my fellow countrywoman Adélia Prado taught me, 'I don’t want the knife or the cheese. I want the hunger.'"

Performance Jeannette Ehlers: We're Magic. We're Real #3 (These Walls)

Marisa Paulo, natural de Luanda, vê-se enquanto artista do movimento e pesquisadora, tendo como foco o corpo da mulher negra e que práticas, formas de ser e estar esta apresenta como veículo de comunicação com os sistemas em que transita. A sua última performance FRAGMENTOS teve estreia internacional, em março de 2024, na III Bienal Black Brazil Art, no Rio de Janeiro.

Laura Beaujour é uma mulher negra de uma ilha remota no meio do oceano. Ela cresceu entre Guadalupe e a França continental. É performer e escreve poesias e contos sobre as suas experiências, questionamentos e identidades.

N▲N▼, conhecida como "A Fera", é uma multi-instrumentista, DJ e performer com uma notável carreira. 
É uma mestra da música infernal e dos seus prazeres, misturando a introspeção do jazz, a fúria da mulher negra lésbica e a ancestralidade afro-brasileira do nordeste do Brasil, sua terra natal, para criar histórias sonoras inesquecíveis. A sua expertise musical e experiência (Licenciada em música, mestrado em jazz, UFPE - Brasil) em improvisação definem o tom de uma voz que precisa e anseia falar e tocar muitas línguas. A sua presença em palco, cheia de intensidade, e a sua profunda sabedoria musical proporcionam um encontro transcendental com o seu oculto interior. Como performer, desenvolve estratégias para reapropriar-se e recontar as suas narrativas enquanto corpo negro sáfico que insiste em aprender a amar e ser amado por mulheres. Com os seus mais recentes trabalhos performativos, já percorreu palcos em Lisboa, Porto, Leiria, Caldas da Rainha, França e Alemanha.

Concerto cortejo "O Barco Vai de Saída"

ADUFE & ALGUIDAR são nove vozes dão corpo a um projecto de canto e percussão que atravessa simbologias e tradições com ritmos de adufe e outros instrumentos, onde experimentar é sempre um convite. Temos no adufe o nosso meio de viagem, qual roda quadrada, que ajudado por outros companheiros sonoros nos leva até onde quisermos ir. Temos no alguidar — peça que serve habitualmente para lavar ou amassar — a metáfora da reactivação, reinvenção e mistura de sonoridades. ParticipantesAna Taipas, Diana Henriques, Isabel Bernardo, Joana Guilherme, Margarida Agostinho, Raquel Esteves, Rita Santos, Silvana Dias.

O Baque Mulher Lisboa (BML), nascido em 2019, é um coletivo autónomo, plural e diverso, um movimento em construção a partir do contexto da imigração que preza pelo respeito e democracia interna, troca/ aprendizado mútuo e horizontal. Somos meninas, mães e filhas, imigrantes, estudantes, trabalhadoras e mulheres em construção, somos batuqueiras. Juntas, tocamos o Maracatu de Baque Virado e através do nosso canto, da nossa dança e do batucar, damos voz às pautas em favor do feminino, da nossa autonomia e liberdade de ser e de existir, contra o patriarca e toda forma de opressão, racismo e violência contra todas as mulheres. Participantes: Heloise Medeiros, Bruna Oliveira, Palloma Silva, Alba Nogueiras, Elisa Cazalini, Cynthia Bravo, Beatriz Duarte, Bianca Mattos, Patricia Belotte, Tenilly Guian

O grupo Coletivo Gira é formado por mulheres multi-instrumentistas de diferentes lugares do Brasil e do mundo que trazem as suas singularidades e influências, resultando em uma apresentação singular cheia de força, mas ao mesmo tempo leveza, sem deixar de lado o ativismo e a resistência das mulheres que ainda lutam por mais representatividade dentro do samba.

O Bloco Bué Tolo é um bloco de carnaval criado em fevereiro de 2018 por brasileiros que residem em Lisboa com o intuito de trazer o contagiante carnaval de rua carioca para a cidade de Lisboa, com muita alegria, diversão e boa música. Desse sentimento, surgiu um grupo formado por músicos, entusiastas e foliões saudosos que começou com ensaios regulares para tornar tudo isto uma realidade. Desde então, o bloco cresceu, tornou-se numa banda que se apresenta dirante todo o ano em diversos eventos e
festivais de música. O repertório do bloco vai desde samba, ao funk, do axé ao maculelê, passando pelo pop, rock e canções internacionais. Participantes:  Leonardo Mesquita, Alexandre Pinheiro, Flávia Tourinho, Helena Beghetto , Luísa Pinto , Alexandre Fagundes , Antoine Demarche , Leticia Florencio e Eduarda Meirelles.

BANGBANG PERCUSSÕES é um projecto pessoal do percussionista André Dez, e visa a divulgação das percussões e culturas tradicionais da costa ocidental e austral africanas, através de formações e apresentações artísticas. Anualmente como percussionista participa em diferentes projectos nacionais e internacionais e organiza os encontros Kolafölo em Lisboa e o festival internacional Aldeia Djembe Camp em Proença a Nova, ambos projetos de cariz formativo e performativo. Participantes: Asaf Berute, Stefania Romeo, Léo Oliveira, Henrique Ubach, Daniel Moreira, Nuno Sequeira, Rita Basso e André Soares 

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MAAT Gallery

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MAAT Gallery

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