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International Conference on Art and Health
maat art and health conference
maat art and health conference
Image Credit
From the original: Helena Almeida, "O Atelier", 1983. EDP Foundation Art Collection
10/11/2023 - 10/11/2023

International Conference on Art and Health


Location: EDP Headquarters, Av. 24 de Julho 12, 1249-300 Lisbon


Can art be an ally of the medical sciences? How can museums and other cultural actors contribute to health and well-being? How can creativity contribute to innovation in health?


Using a transdisciplinary approach, this international conference aims to share and reflect analytically and critically on the practices that are at the intersection between art and medicine. Through dialogue between professionals and researchers from different countries and disciplinary fields – from medicine, nursing, and neuroscience to imaging in medicine and microbiology, as well as art, design, and architecture – the aim is to open a debate on the present, but also to look towards the future, seeking to understand how art and science, two areas of knowledge often considered as distinct, can be combined and contribute to change and to a better quality of life.


See the posters of the open call for projects here.



To promote collaboration and transdisciplinary thinking;
To cross and co-create programmes;
Art and creative thinking as tools for clinical approach and diagnostics;
Art as background and development of creative thinking for image analysis and interpretation in medicine;
Promote the health and wellbeing of the patient and health professionals; 
Reflect on and create integrated public policies and programmes that contribute to health and quality of life through the arts;
To create networks and future partnerships;
To create alliances between sectors.


Art, Illness, and Stigma Reduction
Art and Mental Health
Art and Neuroscience, Imaging, Neuroradiology
Healing Environment (colour, light, smell, texture, art, design, architecture)
Palliative Care
Art Therapy
Public Policies and Global Strategies
Case Studies





EDP, Av. 24 Julho, Lisbon

Onsite + online live streaming

Conference with simultaneous English-Portuguese translation


8.00 – 8.30 | Registration 


8.30 – 9.00 | Opening Session  

João Pinharanda (Director of MAAT), Joana Simões Henriques and Luís Campos (Conference Chairs) 


9.00 – 10.00 | Panel 1: Arts, Neuroscience, and Thinking Strategies 

Cognitive Processes, Emotions, and the Brain-Friendly Museum. Annalisa Banzi (Italy), CESPEB – University of Milano-Bicocca  
Art Therapy, Neuroscience, and Trauma. Juliet L. King (USA), The George Washington University 

Moderator: Alexandre Castro Caldas (Portugal), National Council for Health Sciences, Universidade Católica Portuguesa


10.00 – 10.30 | Conference: Art in Medical Education

Improvement of human behaviour in medical teachers through interdisciplinarity in sciences. Isis Betancourt Torres (Cuba), University of Medical Sciences of Havana (UCMH) 

Moderator: Ana Sofia Torres Baptista, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) 


10.30 – 11.00 | Coffee Break  

Poster presentations from the call for projects

With oral communication:

Monitor 1

Promotion of Psychological Well-Being at the University of Madeira (UMa): Theater and Visual Arts WellBeing Spots. Ana Kot Kotecki, Dora Pereira, Filipa Oliveira, Luciana Ferreira Marta Fernandes (Portugal).

PERFARE – Performing arts to promote social welfARE access in Europe. Consorzio Marche Spettacolo (Italy).

Monitor 2

The Atlas of Colour – Emotion. Verónica Conte (Portugal).

Art Cares! Rita Machado (Portugal).

Thinking is the most important part of drawing. Manuel Botelho (Portugal).

Monitor 3

Translucent walls in psychoanalytic free clinics. Ana Čvorović and Julianna Pusztai (Hungary)

Including neurodiversity in the office - research and design solutions. Workplace team: Aleksandra Piotrkowicz Barbara Majerska, Dominika Zielińska, Urszula Kuc-Petelska; Impronta team: Miriam Hofman, Natalia Olszewska, Agnieszka Starzyńska-Krawczyk (Poland).

Textile communities as spaces of power, well-being, freedom and identity. Jasmina Ferček, Zala Orel (Slovene).

** Other projects on display (without oral presentation) here


11.00 – 12.00 Panel 2: The Role and the Experience of Museums Towards Healing  

Museums & Art Psychotherapy. Looking at the example of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens | EMΣΤ. Elisabeth Ioannides (Greece), National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens (ΕΜΣΤ)  

The Art Hive of the MMFA: Art Therapy, 3rd Spaces, and Creative Health. Stephen Legari (Canada), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 

Moderator: Joana Simões Henriques (Portugal), MAAT


12.00 – 12.40 | Keynote: The Science of Beauty  

Professor Semir Zeki (United Kingdom), University College London 

Moderator: Luís Duarte Madeira (Portugal) 


12.40 – 14.00 | Lunch Break 

Poster presentations from the call for projects

With oral presentation:

Monitor 1

The whisper of the waters of the Cávado River. Ana Caridade, Carla Godinho, Eduarda Gomes, Paula Lebre , Pedro Santos, Rui Dória, Tais do Video (Portugal).

— Pediatric Neurology and Music: Preliminary results on evoked brain activity in newborns within the NICU through musical interventions with varied fundamental frequencies. Angeliki Nika, Efthymios Papatzikis, Kyriakos Dimitropoulos; Kassandra Tataropoulou, Lily Dinsmoor (Greece).

Sickle Cell Disorder: Empowering Patients and Managing Pain Through Art and Creativity. Guilherme Queiroz, Neusa Negrão, Lwimba Kasongo, Joana Cardona, Madalena Sena, Maysha Salvaterra Pinto, Maria Teresa Magalhães, Celeste Bento (Portugal).

Monitor 2

Bringing colour to the shadow on a journey of creative expression: A Case Study of a Person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Henrique Ferreira & Roberta Frontini (Portugal).

IMUNE: engaging arts and health promotion to (re)imagining life with HIV. Ana Cruz, Patrícia Ferreira, Paula Lebre, Teresa Fabião (Portugal).

Monitor 3

Therapy in Creative Places - A way to catalyze the unconscious in resymbolisation. João Adolfo Nogueira, Luís Miguel Vieira (Portugal).

** Other projects on display (without oral presentation) here

14.00 – 15.00 | Panel 3: Healing Environment in the Hospital 

The Third Carer – Human-centric Hospital Design and its Role in Contemporary Culture. Ab Rogers (United Kingdom), Ab Rogers Design 

The Experience of Manchester University: Lime Arts and Wellbeing Centre. Dawn Prescott (United Kingdom), Manchester NHS Foundation Trust 

Moderator: Luís Campos (Portugal)


15.00 – 16.00 Panel 4: The Role of the Arts in Improving Health  

Building Movement and Music into Museum Practice. Filipa Pereira-Stubbs (United Kingdom) 

Listening to Familiar Music as a Therapeutic Experience. Carina Freitas (Portugal), Child Psychiatrist, University of Madeira 

Moderator: Luiza Teixeira de Freitas (Portugal), Operação Nariz Vermelho 


16.00 – 16.30 | Coffee Break 

Poster presentations from the call for projects

With oral presentation:

Monitor 1

BEAT WALK – Neurocience of Music Research Protocol “Rhytmic Auditory Stimulation with familiar music in gait improvements after Stroke". Ana Palma, Carina Freitas, Paula Pinto Nogueira (Portugal).

Using physical art to represent mental processes: An application of creative technologies for communicating cognitive impairments in Bipolar Disorder. Conor Maloney, John Conneely, Cissie Fu, & Jane Rebecca Conway (Ireland).

The Ziguais. Inês Neto e Maria João Morgado (Portugal).

Monitor 2

Senior Dance® - An intervention tool in active and healthy aging.  Ana Santos e Dércia Rodrigues (Portugal).        

ENSAIO - A choreographic process in between dance and scientific research.  Ângelo Cid Neto (Portugal).           

— Dance Therapy and Mental Health. Liliane Viegas e Maria Duarte (Portugal)             

Monitor 3

The Power of Beauty in Narrative and the End of Life. Ana Catarina Sanches Infante (Portugal).

** Other projects on display (without oral presentation) here

16.30 – 17.30 | Panel 5: Art and Mental Disorders  

Art Therapy, Clinical Processes in the Art Sector. Elsa Scanio (Argentina), Hospital Morón Buenos Aires* 
Language: Spanish / English  

Safety, Creativity and Mental Health. Rachel Massey (United Kingdom), Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance

Moderator: Maria Luísa Figueira (Portugal), Lisbon School of Medicine 


17.30 – 18.10 | Keynote: The Population Health Benefits of Arts and Cultural Engagement 

Daisy Fancourt (United Kingdom), World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Arts & Health, University College London* 

Moderator: Catarina Alvarez (Portugal), Associação Alzheimer Portugal 


18.10 – 18.30 | Closing Session 

Luís Campos and Joana Simões Henriques (Conference Chairs) 


19.00 – 21.00 | Tour & Cocktail at the Plug-in exhibition, MAAT
Guided tour with the artist Joana Vasconcelos of the Plug-in exhibition and networking cocktail with fellow attendees and fellow speakers.
(with Conference + Tour & Cocktail ticket)


*Note: Guests marked with an asterisk (*) will take part online.


Synopses and speaker biographies here.





Conference ticket 
Gain access to all conference panels and keynote speakers 

Full price* = 40€ 
Full price online participation = 30€ 


*Discount ticket: exclusive 50% discount for students, senior citizens (+65 years), unemployed individuals, and MAAT members.  


Conference + Tour & Cocktail ticket
Get an exclusive guided tour to the exhibition Plug-in with the artist Joana Vasconcelos.  
Enjoy a special networking cocktail event with fellow attendees.  

Full Price* = 60 € 

*Discount ticket: exclusive 50% discount for students, senior citizens (+65 years), unemployed individuals, and MAAT members.  




Programmme and Coordination
Luís Campos (Physician and Artist, Portugal), Joana Simões Henriques (MAAT
Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Portugal), João Pinharanda (MAAT Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Portugal).


Organising Committee
Carina Freitas (Child Psychiatrist, Portugal), Elisabeth Ioannides (Education Curator, Art Psychotherapist, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Greece), Inês Correia de Sampaio (MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Portugal), Luiza Teixeira de Freitas (Curator, Portugal).


Scientific Committee
Alexandre Castro Caldas (National Council for Health Sciences, Universidade Católica Portuguesa), Ana Jorge (Provider of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Portugal), André Valente (Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal), Carina Freitas (Child Psychiatrist, Madeira), Elisabeth Ioannides (Art Psychotherapist, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Greece), Filipa Aniceto (Manicómio and Alzheimer Portugal Association, Portugal), Helena Canhão (NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal),Luís Jerónimo (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal), Luís Duarte Madeira (Psychiatrist, Portugal), Luiza Teixeira de Freitas (President of Operação Nariz Vermelho, Portugal), Myriam Taylor (Humanity Summit, Portugal), N’Gunu Tiny (The Emerald Group, Angola), Sandro Resende (Manicómio, Portugal), Catarina Gomes (Manicómio, Portugal), Rosário Zincke (Alzheimer Portugal Association, Portugal), Catarina Alvarez (Alzheimer Portugal Association, Portugal).


MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal


Institutional Partners
Conselho Português para a Saúde e Ambiente, EDP, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Forum of Internal Medicine (FIMI), NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Conference Partner
JAM Hotel Lisbon


Synopses and speaker biographies here.




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