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Xavier Veilhan. Romy And The Dogs
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Curador: Pedro Gadanho e Irene Campolmi
Xavier Veilhan, Romy And The Dogs
Xavier Veilhan, Romy And The Dogs

MAAT’s walkable rooftop is one of its recognized architectural features, emerging as a magnet for audiences who do not always visit the Museum. With a new viewpoint on the riverfront, London-based architects AL_A have turned MAAT’s public spaces into one of Lisbon’s tourist experiences. Xavier Veilhan was the first to intervene at MAAT’s rooftop, with a specially-designed sculpture installation, Romy and the dogs, that responds to the characteristics of this unique urban space.

Presenting new cast aluminium statues which form part of an ongoing series, Veilhan proposed a figure of a woman and a pack of dogs as the new inhabitants of MAAT’s fifth façade. Playing with notions of scale, recognition and strangeness, the figures also evoke how digitally-produced artefacts have gradually been replacing traditional art objects.

The exhibition’s opening was planned to coincide with ARCOlisboa, marking the first time that audiences from this art event had access to MAAT through the pedestrian bridge designed by Amanda Levete.


Main Sponsor: Accenture
Support: Artworks

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MAAT Gallery
MAAT Gallery
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