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Curator: João Pinharanda
Maria Capelo
Maria Capelo

In this exhibition, entitled O Dia já Fecha as Portas [the day is already closing its doors], Maria Capelo is presenting a series of new works in Indian ink on oriental paper where she delves into new aspects of her research on landscape. In a kind of permanent “attempt to exhaust a place”, the artist establishes a limited space of landscape (forest/woodland, plain/valley/mountain) over which she exerts an intense attention, constructing and deconstructing the visual elements that make it up.


Maria Capelo was born in 1970 in Lisbon, where she lives and works. She has exhibited frequently since 1996 and includes amongst her most recent solo shows Vento Espesso (Museu da Cidade, Casa Guerra Junqueiro, Porto, 2022), Do planalto se dobra a montanha (Museu da Cidade, Palacete Viscondes de Balsemão, Porto and Galeria Zé dos Bois, Lisbon, 2022), As coisas do mundo são rocha (Pavilhão Branco, Lisbon, 2019) and Deita-te, levanta-te e agora deita-te (Fundação Carmona e Costa, Lisbon, 2017). Prominent recent joint exhibitions include Tudo o que eu quero – Artistas Portuguesas de 1900 a 2020 (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e CCOD, Lisbon and Tours, 2021–2022), Taking Root (KIT – Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf, 2019), Pedro Costa: Companhia (Fundação de Serralves, Porto, 2018) and RE: Imagining Europe (BOX Freiraum, Berlin, 2017). She won the FLAD Drawing Award 2022 and her works are featured in various public and private collections, most notably the Coleção de Arte Contemporânea do Estado (Portugal), Coleção de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea Norlinda e José Lima and the Centro de Arte Moderna – Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.


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MAAT Central
MAAT Central
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