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Yoga and Art
Yoga sessions at the museum
Small Description
With Marialuna Wengorovius Nico
Curated by Ego Selfcare
yoga no museu
yoga no museu
Image Credit
Photo: Joana Linda

The Yoga and Art programme offers an immersive experience that organically brings together art and yoga, enhancing their connection. Inspired by the artists on show at MAAT, each class is carefully developed to guide participants on an integrated journey of body, mind and spirit, improving their capacity for self-expression and self-knowledge.


Yoga and art share several common axes that emphasise their complementarity. In Yoga, expression happens through movement, breathing and meditation, while in art it translates feelings and experiences. Creation, in Yoga, involves transformation and growth; in art, it brings ideas to life. Yoga promotes balance between body, mind and spirit; art does so through composition. Both activities offer Transformation, whether in self-discovery or artistic creation. Presence is cultivated in Yoga through breathing and in art through the creative process. Finally, both strengthen the community, whether in yoga classes or through art exhibitions.



Dates: 28/09, 26/10, 30/11/2024

Time: 09.30 – 11.00

Price: €25 | 25% discount with MAAT Friends Card

Venue: MAAT Central and MAAT Gallery

Audience: Young people (+12 years) and adults new to yoga or practising yoga

Level: Beginners

Materials: Comfortable clothes and a jacket/sweater

Language: Português

Capacity: Max. 30 people Min. 8




28/09/2024: Blank page

Renewal and New Beginnings – Yoga Detox and Journaling 

This is a practice that uses art as a metaphor to guide yoga practice. With a focus on renewal and new beginnings, the practice seeks to inspire participants to see themselves as a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new ambitions and experiences. The class also explores the idea of moulding oneself like a sculpture, removing that which is not essential to reveal one's true essence.


26/10/2024: The Stage of Life

Expression and Authenticity – Breathwork & Vinyasa Yoga

In this session, the yoga practice delves into the metaphor of existence as a large stage. Inspired by the exhibition All the World’s a Stage and the work of William Klein, who captured the theatrical essence of everyday life through photography and film, the class offers a space to explore and reflect on the different roles we play in our lives. This will be an energetic class, designed to unleash our authenticity and embrace all our ‘selves.’ The practice is a journey to promote a deeper understanding of oneself and the courage to express that authenticity in all areas of life.


30/11/2024: Roots of Light

Connection and Introspection – Rooting Practice with Meditation, Yoga and a Vegan Brunch

A yoga practice inspired by the works of Vivian Suter and Anthony McCall, which unites a connection with the earth with the elevation of consciousness. The class provides a metaphor for a balance between rootedness and expansion, cultivating both stability and inner light. The practice culminates with the option of a vegan brunch, in line with the values of awareness and respect for nature.



Marialuna Wengorovius Nico, conhecida por “Luna”. Formada em Direito, Luna é uma amante de arte e poesia, surfista, apaixonada pela natureza e fundadora de um negócio e de uma comunidade de yoga impactante. Nascida na Itália, criada entre o oceano em Portugal e as montanhas de Parma, Luna pratica yoga diariamente há 8 anos e ensina-o há 4 anos. Acumulou mais de 600 horas de ensino e várias certificações YTT pela Yoga Alliance, partilhando a sabedoria do Yoga com alunos de diversas partes do mundo. Os estudos que realizou com professores de renome da Índia, América, Portugal, Espanha, Alemanha e Bali, permitem-lhe desenvolver a sua missão de promover a filosofia do yoga para além do tapete, destacando que o yoga é mais um modo de ser do que um simples fazer.

Ego Selfcare is a Portuguese brand founded by Mariana Martinho that offers high-quality products to support self-care routines. The brand offers a collection of sustainable yoga mats which stand out not only for their durability but also for their commitment to the environment. The brand was born from a desire to raise awareness of the need for all of us to pursue self-care. The brand reminds us that our ‘I’ is the only constant in our lives and the only thing we can control, and that investing in ourselves is not a matter of ego.

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