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Tour to the exhibition Black Ancient Futures
Black Ancient Futures
Black Ancient Futures
Image Credit
Fotografia: el-Hey

These visits provide an overview of the temporary exhibitions at MAAT. In a thematic tour tailored for different audiences, participants are invited to engage with the artwork and the artist(s).


Black Ancient Futures brings together a significant group of 11 artists from the vast African diaspora, some of them presented for the first time in Portugal, who employ different languages to propose a wide range of alternative narratives and landscapes that contest the dominant panorama of the contemporary arts.


Baloji, April Bey, Jeannette Ehlers, Lungiswa Gqunta, Evan Ifekoya, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Nolan Oswald Dennis, Gabriel Massan, Jota Mombaça, Sandra Mujinga and Tabita Rezaire are the participating artists.



Ages: Preschool, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cycles, Secondary and University

Preferencial hours: 10.00 - 11.30 am to 02.30 - 04.00 pm (except Tuesdays and Weekends)

Duration: 60 min

Capacitiy: max. 28 people

Start Date
End Date

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy
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