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Set the Place – Alzheimer
Meetings at the Museum
Small Description
With Susana Anágua and Cristina Campos
MAAT tour Alzheimer Dementia
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MAAT tour Alzheimer Dementia
Image Credit
Photo: Paulo Alexandre Coelho

Designed for people with dementia and their caregivers, this programme aims to provide creative experiences in sensory exploration while promoting moments of interaction, sharing and connection with the Other (participants and mediators). 

All the sessions begin with visits to the temporary exhibitions on display at MAAT, which. These will inspire conversations in which the past, present, and future freely intersect, revealing more about each participantng the session, challenges will be set - practical, experimental, intuitive and related to the exhibitions - inviting participants to summon and materialise their creativity and imagination. 


Above all, the aim is to strengthen and create new bonds based on recognition, curiosity and affection.


Participation is free of charge and does not require previous knowledge of art or a habit of visiting museums or other cultural spaces.


The Set the Place: Meetings at the Museum programme has the scientific and technical support of the Alzheimer Portugal Association and the Institute of Medical Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University. It was originally designed by the Museum of Lisbon, Alzheimer Portugal, MAAT  Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Acesso Cultura and the Institute of Medical Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University to create a replicable model in other museums. More information on the Alzheimer Portugal website.



Target audience: Individuals diagnosed with Dementia and their formal and informal caregivers

Schedule: Fridays, 11.00 - 13.00

Capacity: min. 8 max. 16 

Language: Portuguese

Meeting point: MAAT Gallery – Ticket office

More information:



Season 1 

Registration: 1 January- 16 February

Confirmation of registration: 21 February

Sessions: 07/03, 14/03, 21/03, 28/03, 04/04, 11/04

Registration form



Season 2

Registration: 28 March- 28 April

Confirmation of registration: 28 Abril

Sessions: 09/05, 16/05, 23/05, 30/05, 06/06, 20/06



Season 3

Registration: 1 September– 6 October

Confirmation of registration:10 October

Sessions: 24/10, 31/10, 07/11, 14/11, 21/11, 28/11




Susana Anágua

Has a PhD in Culture and Contemporary Art from the PPGARTES- UERJ programme, Rio de Janeiro (2018), and is a FAPERJ scholarship holder. MA in Digital Arts from the University of the Arts London – Camberwell College of Arts (2009) and recipient of a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Graduated from the ESAD – School of Arts and Design, Caldas da Rainha, where she has taught since 2009. She also currently teaches at the ESELx – Lisbon School of Education on the Visual Arts and Technologies and Artistic and Cultural Mediation courses. Since 2000, she has regularly collaborated in the design and guidance of educational programmes at the Centro Cultural de Belém – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, and at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, developing activities with a wide range of audiences, including those with special needs. She has taken part in partnership programmes with institutions such as AFID and the Alzheimer's Foundation. In 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, she was part of the project for the inclusion and pacification of favelas through education, which was financed by funds from the Kibon Foundation, in partnership with the Educational Centre (EDUCAP) of Complexo do Alemão.

Cristina Campos

Holds a degree in Modern and Contemporary History, with a specialisation in Management and Development of Cultural Assets (ISCTE), and postgraduate degrees in Cultural Management in Cities (INDEG-IUL) and Journalism (FCSH). She is currently studying for a PhD in Art Education (FBAUL/IE). Her professional career has been centred around mediation projects in the artistic and cultural field, with a special focus on museums. In recent years, she has taken part in the design and direction of different programmes aimed at people with Specific Educational Needs, as well as the senior community, particularly within the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. She has taken part in various training programmes focused on these areas, such as the international meeting “I AM – Inclusive and Accessible Museums" (EU project “TANDEM: Tools and New approaches for people with Disabilities Exploring Museums”) and the training course “Mediating Audiences with Dementia”, coordinated by the Alzheimer Portugal association.


‘This programme has helped me to become aware of the complexity of the disease and to be able to deal with the challenges of everyday life.’

‘In recent times, he (Family Member with Dementia) was becoming intellectually closed and has started to show more openness and interest.’

‘I really like this... it enlightens me. It makes me fall in love!’

‘I was surprised by the interest he (Family Member with Dementia) showed in the proposals, compared to the lack of interest he showed in everything before.’

‘It is impressive... it makes you think, it makes you imagine, and it's different from what you see every day.’
Person with Dementia

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MAAT Gallery

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MAAT Gallery

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