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05/10/2021 - 05/10/2021

Inverted Landscapes 

Inverted Landscapes is a performance by André e. Teodósio / Teatro Praga. It was presented for the first time at the Kunstraum Botschaft Gallery – Camões Berlin in co-production with the EDP Foundation and the Embassy of Portugal / Camões Berlim. The second presentation will be at maat, 05/10/2021, on the celebration of the museum's fifth anniversary.

Taking a connection between Lisbon and Berlin as its starting point, Inverted Landscapes examines the history of two people from the Portuguese performance arts who exchanged geographical location in search of a common artistic goal: Ruth Aswin, German, who came to Portugal to dance in the 1930s, and Valentim de Barros, Portuguese, a student of Aswin’s who fled to Berlin in search of work and freedom. Inverted Landscapes is therefore an homage to the sense of rootlessness shared by these two historical artists from two different countries, as well as an examination of two ways of living that have more to do with history than geography.

A performance by André e. Teodósio
Performers: Ana Tang, Aurora Pinho and Paulo Pascoal
Exhibition: André e. Teodósio / Bruno Bogarim
Costume design (wardrobe): Joana Barrios
Photography: Alípio Padilha
Creative support: Cão Solteiro, OPART / Estúdios Victor Córdon
Thanks to Ana Barata, Andrea Martins, Anísio Franco, Dr. António Laginha / Centro de Dança de Oeiras, Bernardo Rocha, Biblioteca da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Cláudia Belchior, Dra. Dalila Correia, Goethe – Institut Portugal, Inês Grosso, João dos Santos Martins, João Pacheco, Jorge Jácome, Junta de Freguesia da Misericórdia, Maria Luísa Carles, Pedro Barateiro, Pedro Faro, Pedro Marques, Rui Lopes Graça, and Sandro Resende
A coproduction by Teatro Praga, EDP Foundation and the Embassy of Portugal / Camões Berlin

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