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Guided Meditation: Mind Within
Exhibition Mar Aberto by Nicolas Floc'h
Small Description
With Mário Rodrigues
nicolas floch exposição
nicolas floch exposição
Image Credit
Photo: Luís Barra / el-Hey

In the tranquil and inspiring setting of Nicolas Floc'h's Open Sea exhibition, MAAT offers a unique and immersive guided meditation experience. This mindfulness meditation practice invites you to stop, relax, and open your senses and curiosity to the art that surrounds you. Beyond the meditation practice, participants will have the opportunity to learn some mindfulness and slow art strategies. Prioritising personal well-being, these strategies help us observe pieces of art in a comprehensive way, facilitating the emergence of new layers of meaning.


When art and meditation merge, a truly enriching and transformative experience emerges. The regular practice of meditation has scientifically proven benefits such as stress reduction, increased attention and focus, improved sleep, and more. Art provides a natural invitation to meditation, a form of self-care and deep reflection about ourselves and the world around us. Meditating with art is a powerful way to cultivate awareness and connection, to find beauty, inspiration, and meaning in every moment.


‘It's not a thing, but an experience, an ongoing conversation between the work of art and the viewer.’ Arden Reed


Dates: 25/05, 13/07, 24/08/2024, 09.30–10.15

Price: 15 | 25% discount with MAAT Card

Ages: 12+

Material: Comfortable clothes and yoga mat

Languague: Portuguese

Max. capacity: 20 visitors


Mário Rodrigues is a member of the Portuguese Psychologists' Association, specialising in Clinical and Health Psychology and with an advanced degree in Neuropsychology. He is a certified instructor in various international intervention programmes based on Mindfulness applied in various contexts: art, science, education, health, sport, and organisations. Founder of Breath By Step, his mission is to promote mental health and emotional balance by integrating Mindfulness and well-being into every aspect of life, where art plays a prominent role. As a researcher, he seeks to be involved in projects that explore the applicability of Mindfulness-based interventions, as well as psychological/neuropsychological interventions in a clinical context.

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MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy
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