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05/06/2021 - 05/06/2021
06/06/2021 - 06/06/2021

Fish Ears

For the weekend of the 5 and 6 June, writer Filipa Ramos proposes a series of events connected to underwater listening activities. 
Saturday afternoon, 5 June, there is a presentation by marine biologist Carlos A. Assis on his studies on the history of fish listening, followed by a conversation between him, Filipa Ramos and Nuno da Luz, artist. The conversation will be followed by an evening listening session by Nuno da Luz based on his own underwater recordings. 

On Sunday, 6 June there is a conversation between veterinarian Teresa Lobo Fernandes, who will speak about her experience working at the Zoo of Lisbon and Nuno Marques Pereira, veterinarian at the Oceanário de Lisboa. Together, they will share and discuss their experiences working as veterinarians, focusing particularly on their work with marine and amphibian animals. The presentation unfolds with a Q&A session with the audience, comprising young audiences.


Presentation by marine biologist Carlos A. Assis
Conversation between Carlos A. Assis, Filipa Ramos and Nuno da Luz.
Duration: 60 min 
All ages 

Nuno da Luz: (Listening Session) with "Assisted Resonance", 2021
Duration: 30 min
All ages 


Dialogue with wildlife veterinarian Teresa Lobo Fernandes, and Nuno Marques Pereira, veterinarian at the Lisbon Oceanarium 
Duration: 60 min
7 to 14 years old

Carlos A. Assis
With a bachelor’s degree in biology (scientific branch and educational branch) and a PhD in biology (specialising in ecology and biosystems) from Universidade de Lisboa. He is currently, a professor in the Animal Biology Department at the Faculty of Science in Universidade de Lisboa and a researcher for MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre at the Faculty of Science in Universidade de Lisboa. In his dual role as professor and researcher, he has written several scientific and more general papers on his speciality and lecture areas – mainly in ecology and the morphology of bony fish otoliths – and has participated in conferences and talks on a variety of topics. He is a lecturer on a number of subjects in the areas of biology, biosystems, marine biology, ichthyology, living marine resources, research projects in marine ecology and the history of ideas in biology.

Teresa Lobo Fernandes
Teresa Lobo Fernandes began by doing short internships in zoos during her undergraduate degree. After a long stint at the San Francisco Zoo in the USA, with some persistence and luck, Lobo Antunes ended up working at the Lisbon Zoo, where she worked for 16 years. She worked with over 200 animal species and consolidated her knowledge of wild animal medicine, immobilisation, transport, management and reproduction, amongst others.She has presented papers at scientific meetings, given lectures at universities and conferences and accompanied many students on study visits to the zoo. She enjoys "communicating conservation" and transmitting her passion for wild animals to the youngest of students to university students! She was EAZA's co-vet advisor for the Iberian Wolf and is a member of EAZWV (European Association of Zoo and Wild Animal Veterinarians) and EAAM (European Aquatic Mammals Association).

Nuno da Luz 
Nuno da Luz (Lisbon, 1984) is a sound artist and publisher whose work circumscribes both aural and visual elements in the form of performances, installations and printed matter, undulating between noise-making and book-making; the latter through the publisher ATLAS Projectos (in collaboration with Gonçalo Sena). In 2015, he completed the Master Program of Experimentation in Arts and Politics created by Bruno Latour at Sciences Po, Paris, and founded COYOTE – a cross-cutting collective working in print, lectures and experimental forms (in collaboration with Tristan Bera, Elida Høeg, Clémence Seurat and Ana Vaz). 

Nuno Marques Pereira
Veterinarian of the Lisbon Oceanarium since its beginning, 1997, where he is dedicated to aquatic animal medicine, with a special interest in anaesthesia, imaging and Conservation Medicine. He teaches at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies, where he deals with fish medicine and conservation medicine subjects. He is also a laboratory fish and amphibian medicine consultant and collaborates with the Grupo Lobo and the Iberian Wolf Recovery Centre. He has published in scientific journals and has participated as an invited speaker in congresses and courses within the scope of his veterinary medical activity and is a veterinary consultant in the elasmobranch "Taxon Advisory Group" (TAG) of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). Finally, he continues to do part-time medicine for dogs and cats at Clínica Veterinária João XXI. 

Filipa Ramos
Lisbon-born Filipa Ramos is a writer and lecturer based in London. Her research focuses on how art and culture address ecology and in particular on the modes in which contemporary art brings together humans, other-than-humans and machines. Ramos is curator of Art Basel Film and a founding curator of the online cinema Vdrome. She is co-curator of Bodies of Water, the 13th Shanghai Biennale (2021). Her upcoming book, The Artist as Ecologist, will be published by Lund Humphries in 2022.

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