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Antonio Julio Duarte Av de Ceuta Terra Irada
Antonio Julio Duarte Av de Ceuta Terra Irada
05/07/2020 - 05/07/2020

And the reality of the neighbourhoods of Greater Lisbon and South Bank

Live performances by Primero G, Ghoya, Né Jah and Mynda Guevara
Conversation with the artists moderated by Ana Garcia de Mascarenhas

The basic premise behind this conference and series of live performances, brought to public in the context of Terra Irada, the music programme curated by Pedro Gomes for maat, is to divulge and put into words the history of Creole rap, of Cape Verdean origins, in the fabric of Portuguese culture, focusing on four micro-generations (of genres and neighbourhoods, based around the main centres in Greater Lisbon and south of the River Tagus). In talking about itself, the Creole rap speaks of a big Lisbon (the real Lisbon) that needs to be visualised so that it can be unified. The aim of the event is to, through some of its main stakeholders (both male and female), offer a field reading of a Lisbon separated into different neighbourhoods since the 1990s, many of whose problems have persisted until now. Beyond and in line with the urgency of the people participating in the event, the idea is to shed light on the inextricable link between the reality of rap — in this instance, Creole — and events in a world that is becoming increasingly unsustainable at the national and international level, and where intolerance, racism, fascism and capitalism deserve no mercy.

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