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Contemporary art open course: Is This Art?

Training for teachers

With a theoretical-practical approach, the This Is Art course provides the tools for a better understanding of Modern and Contemporary Art, analyzing its main themes, with a view to preparing a visit to the Museum, presenting content related to artistic movements and practices in class, or personal and/or cognitive development.




First session (3 hours)

Presentation of the context of the emergence of the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century, their opposition to classical models, and their guiding principles. The aim is to deconstruct poorly founded notions and prevailing preconceptions regarding artistic production from the 20th century onwards.

  • Modern and Contemporary Art
  • Paradigm Shift: Avant-Garde Context
  • Ideas to (de)construct:  “Is This Art?”


Second session (3 hours)

In the second session, using active methodologies, we propose effective dynamics for approaching these themes, stimulating curiosity, taste and a critical sense in contact with works of art.

  • The relationship with the work of art: tools for a reading
  • Two-dimensional vs. Tree-dimensional
  • Figuration vs. Abstraction
  • Organic vs. Geometric
  • Object vs. Process
  • Production vs. Appropriation
  • Spectator: Observer vs. Participant the Artist vs. Spectator
  • Open Artwork vs. Closed Artwork


Third session (3 hours)

Presentation of the public and educational programme of MAAT, in order to direct the choice of activity to be carried out considering the different objectives, curriculum goald, expectations and need of each group. Proposal for preparing a small activity to be carried out with the students in the classroom, after a visit to the museum.

Using a work of art as a starting point, guide the students towards a task related to the curriculum subjects they are teaching, not only consolidating the acquired knowledge, but also following up on the content they have worked on.


Trainer: Patrícia Trindade (trainer with CCP)

Audience: Elementary and Secundary School teachers, or enthusiasts lookinf to deepen their personal skills aprofundar as suas competências pessoais.

Duration: 9 hours (3 sessions of 3 hours)

Capacity: 15 people

Language: portuguese

Prices: €60; €40 MAAT Card / EDP employees/ Students (with identification)

Meeting point: MAAT Ticket Office


Bookings, information and clarifications through the email


Patrícia Trindade (1980) is an independent curator, trainer, cultural mediator and content producer. She holds a Master's degree in Curatorial Studies from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. She was the artistic director of the DIG DIG: Contemporary Art project (Lisbon). She coordinated the exhibitions and the public department at the Revólver Platform for Contemporary Art. She is dedicated to mediation in the field of Visual Arts, collaborating since 2005 with various museum institutions, art centers, and independent platforms, creating activities and publications for families. Since 2019, she has been a teaching at the Professional School of Image (EPI).

Start Date
End Date

MAAT Central


MAAT Central

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