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03/07/2021 - 03/07/2021

Collecting Communication

All cities are archaeological — they all accumulate remnants of forms of communication of past everyday life under their current appearance. But it is hard to give perpetuity to the sounds, images and colours of the past, and to the noises and the gleam of obsolete technologies. Some collections try to rescue these memories, this natural history of the most complex and artificial human agglomeration — the city. And to collect communication artifacts is too often to hoard things that are made to be replaced, to disappear, and this is something quite different from collecting objects. But to lose this memory is to lose an essential part of the sound and visual landscapes of our common past. These unusual collections also need each other. They need the partial knowledge each one has so that, altogether, they can make this past an integral part of the present, and that is why it is so important to bring these collections into dialogue.


João Monsanto, finalist in Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico ), has 40 years of working experience in advertising and media agencies, national and international, 30 of which as CEO. In 2013, he brought together a group of veteran advertising professionals to create the AMUSP – Associação Museu da Publicidade, of which he is president, with the aim of preserving the this sector’s material and immaterial heritage. Passionate about comics, advertising and cinema, Monsanto has a storytelling vision of all the projects he is involved in: "We always have to tell a story through a sequence of experiences that necessarily have to be surprising and where the main protagonist has to be the user to whom we address”. 

Sofia Marçal is a senior technician at the Macau Mission, working at the Department of Cultural Action from March 1992 to December 1999. Museologist and curator at the National Museum of Natural History and Science since 2001, where she has been developing work concerning the intersection between art and science, through numerous exhibitions, catalogs, and conferences. Sofia Marçal holds a Masters's in Museology from the University of Évora in 2004. PhD in Curatorship by FBAUL in 2019. She is a collaborative  member of CIEBA (Centre for Research and Studies in Fine Arts) and Secretary of the Board of Directors of ICOM Portugal since March 2020.

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