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Batu Talk #2 – Gira Collective
Image Credit
Photo: Luís Barra / el-Hey
24/06/2024 - 24/06/2024

The second Batu Talk will feature the participation of Gira Collective, a movement conceived by immigrant women in Portugal which addresses issues such as representativeness and cultural resistance, promoting Afro-Brazilian culture and gender equality. Using their voices and stories as a starting point, always to the sound of samba, they fight against racism, celebrating diversity and life. A phenomenon that transcends borders and gender, they show that samba is a powerful form of expression and resistance.


The concert highlights samba and other Afro-Brazilian rhythms from the samba de terreiro tradition. The sound of the hand drums (Ilú and Conga) is present in most of the arrangements specially created for each song, bringing an original sound identity without forgetting their roots.


The group is made up of female multi-instrumentalists from different parts of Brazil and the world, who bring their own singularities and influences in a unique performance brimming with strength but also lightness, and with a firm nod to the activism and resistance of those women fighting for more representation within samba.


Duration: 90 min

Capacity: 100 people 

Language: portuguese

Price: €15 | 25% discount with MAAT Card



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