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24 Лютого 2022 Року / 24TH FEBRUARY 2022
projeto de Júlio Alves e Hugo Barata
projeto de Júlio Alves e Hugo Barata
08/02/2023 - 06/03/2023

24 Лютого 2022 Року / 24th February 2022

The project 24 Лютого 2022 Року / 24th February 2022, by Júlio Alves and Hugo Barata, is deeply influenced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is a reflection on the constant reminder of the first days of the war and the images of it recorded by both the media and the direct combatants. It is a kaleidoscope of pictures compiled from different channels – from Youtube to Telegram – that transforms into a realm of observation in the exhibition space. It is a testimony to our own condition, not just as spectators but also, and above all, as witnesses for the future.

"24 Лютого 2022 Року / 24th February 2022 by Júlio Alves and Hugo Barata is close to abstract: war is conjured by the frantic throbbing of the lights and the sounds of gunshot and explosions that are repeated to exhaustion against the darkened skies and city outlines." (excerpt from the text written by João Pinharanda for the visit guide)

Hugo Barata (Lisbon, 1978) is a visual artist who has been exhibiting and working as an independent curator since 2000. He is a lecturer and cultural mediator, interweaving his work as an artist, curator and educator. He has a PhD in Media Art from Universidade Lusófona where he lectures on the BA courses on Communication Design and Applied Communication and the MA programmes on Visual Arts Education and Game Design and Playable Media. He also works as a researcher at the Centre of Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (CICANT) and member of COW - Center for Other Worlds. His most notable recent projects comprise Constellations I, II and III (with Ana Rito, Museu Coleção Berardo, 2019–2021), Nella Cohorte di De Chirico (with António Olaio, Colégio das Artes, 2021) and Eating the Table (with Luís Alegre, Colégio das Artes, 2022).

Júlio Alves (Lisbon, 1971) is a director whose work consists of 18 films divided between the fiction, documentary and experimental genres. His most prominent recent work includes Diálogo de Sombras [Dialogue of Shadows] (2021), Arte de Morrer Longe [The Art of Dying Faraway] (2020), Chantal + Pedro (2020) and Sacavém (2019). All of his films have had national and international premieres. He has also directed advertising films in different European markets. He has a PhD in Communication Sciences and an MA in Film Studies, and lectures at Universidade Lusófona on the BA courses on Film and Media Arts and Photography and the MA programme on Film Studies. He is also a member of the Centre of Research in Applied Communication, Culture and New Technologies (CICANT).

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