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Submitted by marialeonor.carrilho on
earthbitsEarth Bits – Sensing the Planetary, de Dotdotdot, installation view, maat – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (Lisbon), 2021. Photography by Pedro Pina. 

Earth Bits – Sensing the Planetary
Installation and interaction design by: Dotdotdot

Earth Bits – Sensing the Planetary is a data-driven installation developed by the research and interaction design studio Dotdotdot that unpacks the complexities of the climate science measuring humankind’s carbon footprint through graphic and digital content, animated videos and an interactive station. 

The four sections of this unprecedented work, developed with the scientific support of the European Space Agency (ESA), International Energy Agency (IEA) and EDP (Energias de Portugal) Innovation, together demonstrate how the mundane flux of human outputs is vitally connected to the bio-systems of the Earth’s resources and outline the causes and effects of their resulting rapid depletion.

Book your ticket here.

Watch this journey through the 4 parts of this unprecedented interactive installation developed by the research and interaction design studio Dotdotdot. Walk from the lobby down through the stairs that leads to The CO2 Mixer and find out how design, science and technology brought to life an experience to understand the present crisis as an opportunity to collectively generate a planetary future.

How much of what you do on an everyday basis has repercussions on the environment?

Play and learn with this exploration into climate science, creative research, and interactive storytelling.

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