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Support materials 

Accordion block item

Educational materials for teachers in digital format on topics linked to the museum's exhibitions and the school curriculum, offering dialogue and support both in preparation for and after the visit. With adapted content and proposals for practical activities in an interactive approach, these tutorials are organised by school cycle and are intended to be a tool in which creativity and problem-solving are favoured as ways of accessing knowledge. The educational tutorials allow you to experiment with active and innovative learning techniques, stimulating creativity and encouraging collective work in the classroom. Permanent exhibition: The Electricity Factory.

Museum object
For this activity, five related objects were selected from the permanent exhibition The Electricity Factory. Five objects that were considered exemplary of the themes addressed and enriching for the work we intend to develop with the school community. These objects, smaller or larger, guide the work and make heritage the target of reflection, allowing us to get to know the work carried out at the museum better.

A Day Without Energy
In this activity the aim is to carry out the daily routine without using electricity. The routine, with typical morning, afternoon and evening activities, is presented through a set of questions. For each question, a scenario is simulated and three hypotheses are suggested, only one of which is correct. Conception by Raquel Eleutério, Loraine Meister, Beatriz Uva, João Bate and Tiago Serôdio. Design by M PREZ.

Ongoing programmes for schools

Programmes centred on the themes of the exhibitions or other subjects in conjunction with contemporary themes, developed using a co-creation approach, where students participate in the reflection, design and implementation of the themes in focus and the structure of the programme.  It consists of guided tours, talks and transdisciplinary workshops on a regular basis, culminating in the presentation of a project, which can materialise in an object, video, forum, exhibition, among other formats.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles, Secondary and Universities

Prices for school groups
(up to 28 people/group)

Guided tours
2€/student (per exhibition);
Free for teachers.

Teachers have free entry to prepare scheduled visits.
Visits by appointment. Contact us by email at


Ages: pre-school - university
Prices for groups (max. 28 people/group)
3€/student, free: teachers.
All activities available in English.
Workshops by appointment. Contact us by email at



Contemporary art open course: Is This Art?

maat workshop exhibition

Art and Architecture Workshop: Discover MAAT

maat workshop

Science Workshop: Electromagnet Magic

Accordion block item

Jorge André Catarino (1985) Vive e trabalha em Lisboa. É licenciado e mestre em Pintura pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa. Colabora com diversas instituições e espaços culturais no âmbito da mediação cultural, incluindo MAAT, Museu Colecção Berardo, Museu do Oriente, Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Centro de Arte Manuel de Brito e Museu da Carris. Desde 2018 que comissaria exposições de arte contemporânea, das quais se destaca a co-curadoria de Linha, Forma e Cor – Obras da Coleção Berardo, Museu Berardo (2018). Foi ainda Director de Produção da Baginski, Galeria/ Projectos. Além da mediação cultural e projectos de curadoria, publica ainda artigos de investigação artística, colaborando frequentemente com artistas na elaboração de folhas de sala e textos de exposição. Mais recentemente, tem desenvolvido trabalho de Content Writer para Youtube e Instagram.




Patrícia Trindade (1980) é curadora independente, formadora, mediadora cultural e produtora de conteúdos. É Mestre em Estudos Curatoriais pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa / Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Foi diretora artística do projeto DIG DIG: Arte Contemporânea (Lisboa). Coordenou as exposições e o departamento de públicos na Plataforma Revólver para a Arte Contemporânea. Dedica-se à mediação na área das Artes Visuais, colaborando, desde 2005, com diversas instituições museológicas, centros de arte e plataformas independentes, criando atividades e publicações para famílias. É, desde 2019, docente na Escola Profissional da Imagem (EPI).

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