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Von Calhau! Nailed Rathorics
Small Description

The exhibition Nailed Rathorics by Von Calhau! closes the Ashpit 8 cycle, running since maat’s opening in 2016. Curated by DOXAMITRAX — a pseudonym that the artists have adopted to assume the curatorship of this project — includes a series of new works, namely an artist's book with more than 300 pages, offering a visual journey through an extensive selection of works that the duo has made in the last 10 years. A series of performances and actions are also planned that will gradually activate the space and objects on display.


“Nailed Rathorics is an exhibition that aims to spatialize a book. A book titled Acéfalanterna [Lantern-Acephalous] (available for consultation in the exhibition space) that will be/was launched on 29 February 2020. The extra day of a leap year reveals itself in the singularity of being a unique point in the calendar, every four years. The exhibition amplifies materials in the book, through their transfer to paper, video or other media, and later to their translation to blind poems, composed with the help of a Perkins Brailler machine, using only the letter A of the braille code, that reveals itself in the singularity of being a unique point in the sheet of paper, every 4 millimeters. The same A of Rhatoric that replaced the E of Rhetoric. But also the A that begins and ends the title of the book: AcefalanternA. Beginning and end touching each other. The mechanics of bissextile materials. The passage of the letter A to point O. From the O of Optic to the A of hAptic. Not one and not the other but the rope that separates them. Not one and not the other but the rope that connects them. Two poles: one black and one white, crossing one another. Two polarizations: one white and one black, blending with one another. The final diluting of the poles is made by the activation of the fake thunder, the electric discharge. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Clear!” (Von Calhau!)


During the period of the exhibition, a series of performances and actions are expected to gradually activate the space and the exhibited objects.


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