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Um oásis ao entardecer
20th Anniversary of the EDP Foundation Awards
Small Description
Curators: Inês Grosso and Rosa Lleó
João Maria Gusmão and Pedro Paiva
João Maria Gusmão and Pedro Paiva

This year, the EDP Foundation celebrates twenty years since the New Artists Award and the EDP Foundation Art Grand Prize were launched, with an unprecedented exhibition which – for the first time ever – brings together all the winning artists from the two awards. Curated by Inês Grosso and Rosa Lleó, the exhibition enables both a dialogue and unique interactions between artists from different generations and backgrounds, presenting side by side a selection of pre-existing work and new pieces conceived especially for the occasion. 


Um oásis ao entardecer [An oasis at sunset] exhibition is yet another reminder of the importance of both awards for the national artistic panorama, as well as contributing towards the survey and consolidation of successive generations of artists in Portugal.

The principal motive for this initiative sponsored by the EDP Foundation is to express its gratitude and to honour the artists who, for the last two decades, have so generously collaborated and made possible the success of these awards. 


Artists: Álvaro Lapa, Ana Jotta, Ana Santos, André Romão, Artur Barrio, Carlos Bunga, Claire de Santa Coloma, Diana Policarpo, Eduardo Batarda, Gabriel Abrantes, Joana Vasconcelos, João Leonardo, João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva, Jorge Molder, Leonor Antunes, Lourdes Castro, Mariana Silva, Mário Cesariny, Priscila Fernandes, Vasco Araújo.

Exhibition design: Diogo Passarinho Studio
Exhibition graphic design: ATLAS Projectos


Start Date
End Date
MAAT Gallery
MAAT Gallery
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