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João Louro. Linguistic Ground Zero
Small Description
Curator: David G. Torres.
 João Louro. Linguistic Ground Zero
 João Louro. Linguistic Ground Zero

Linguistic Ground Zero, João Louro’s project created for MAAT’s Project Room, reflects on this historic moment of inflection in which art and society seem to coincide in relation to the necessity to put an end to everything – the two World Wars and the artistic vanguards.

João Louro’s (n. 1963) proposal, a reproduction of “Little Boy” – the first atomic bomb in history – with recorded messages, is simple and forceful: destruction, graffiti, poetic and written references come together, providing one of those moments in which art and artists carry out an exercise of complex thinking.


Main Sponsor: Microsoft

Production Support: Artworks, Priberam

Start Date
End Date
MAAT Gallery
MAAT Gallery
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