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Gary Hill. Linguistic Spill in the Boiler Hall
Gary Hill, Linguistic Spill in the Boiler Hall
Gary Hill, Linguistic Spill in the Boiler Hall

Gary Hill presented at MAAT a new piece specifically designed for the Boiler Hall, one of the Power Station’s most iconic spaces. A pioneer in exploring the artistic potential of new technologies, this piece revisits the research work Gary Hill (b. 1951) began in the late-1970s with Electronic Linguistics (1977), which resulted in a series of pieces using the relationship between sound, language and electronic image as a starting point.

For the first time in this type of work by the artist, the images are free from the physical constraints of screens and spread throughout the space in multiple sequences of abstract drawings, which appear as spectral and ghostly presences, taking us to a mysterious preindustrial and post-apocalyptical realm. The dialogue with the museum space offered the visitor a unique sensorial experience, particularly at the the Power Station’s “Secret Itinerary”, which, throughout the duration of the exhibition, toke place every weekend.

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MAAT Central
MAAT Central
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