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16/10/2020 - 16/10/2020

Within the remit of the programme held alongside the exhibition Ballad of Today (an exhibit by André Cepeda, to be visited at the maat until 25 January 2021), artists Maria Reis, Gabriel Ferrandini and André Cepeda invite other artists who have, in some way, played an important role in building this project. By opening up the dialogue to other artists, they are creating room for new readings and interpretations.

YEAH YOU, a father and daughter duo, are not a musical band, but a live surrealist artistic project. After launching a series of recordings which appeared to show a natural progression in their provocatively open-minded style, their degenerate truth is back and contorted, and their improvised musical and geographical excursions will leave your head spinning like a doughnut squashed in a parking lot.

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