In ARREMESSO X, Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz put their choreographic practice into dialogue with the work of Vivian Suter and the space of the Oval Gallery. Inspired by the paintings where ‘collaboration’ with nature is most strongly felt, they explore the possibilities of a relationship of sensibility between art and nature in search of new meanings.
Arremesso X is part of a series of performances, publications and audio tracks that Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz have developed since 2011. The series was initially conceived as a way of expanding stage materials to other performance contexts and formats.
Today, it is also an opportunity to reactivate the archive of gestures, movements, texts, music, voices, objects and ‘states of presence’ that have marked this artistic collaboration for almost two decades, confronting it with new artistic proposals and spaces.
Dates: 25/01, 18.00 - 18.50
26/01, 16.00 - 16.50
Price: €11
Ages: 12+
Please note:
- The ticket for this performance grants access to all exhibitions on the same day
- Visitors with a specific ticket for this performance will have priority entry over those with a general museum ticket.
- Access is free for MAAT Friends, but a ticket reservation must be made on the website.
- If you have a MAAT Friend +1 card and wish to bring a guest, you will need to reserve two MAAT Friend +1 tickets.
Local: Oval Gallery (exhibition space)
Venue: Portuguese and English
Capacity: min. 10 max. 100
Concept: Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz
Sound: Sofia Dias
Sofia Dias e Vítor Roriz são uma dupla de artistas e coreógrafos que colaboram desde 2006. A natureza híbrida da sua pesquisa, associada a uma curiosidade e necessidade de experimentação, levou-os à criação de vários espetáculos, performances, faixas sonoras, vídeos, podcasts e instalações, atravessando diferentes contextos e esbatendo limites entre áreas artísticas. Os seus espetáculos para palco, predominantemente interpretados pelos dois, convocam uma linguagem coreográfica depurada em ligação com a palavra e a voz e foram apresentadas em mais de 17 países. Em 2011 foram consagrados com os prémios Prix Jardin d'Europe e Aerowaves Spring Forward para o espectáculo Um gesto que não passa de uma ameaça, de 2011. Têm sido convidados a colaborar com diversos artistas, entre os quais, Catarina Dias, Marco Martins, Clara Andermatt, Mark Tompkins, Felipe Hirsch, Boris Charmatz e, mais frequentemente, com Tiago Rodrigues. Leccionam pontualmente e têm vindo a organizar residências e grupos de pesquisa para artistas em diferentes contextos. Foram convidados a fazer a curadoria do PACAP 2 (2018/2019) e PACAP 6 (2023) – Programa Avançado de Criação em Artes Performativas. Em 2023-24 são Artistas Residentes na Fundação Champalimaud.
Alkantara is a cultural association based in Lisbon that supports the relationship between artists and audiences with ideas and discourses that determine art and society. Like its predecessor, Danças na Cidade (1993-2004), Alkantara Festival co-produces and presents projects developed by artists from different geographical and cultural contexts, constituting an important meeting place for professionals. Throughout the year, Espaço Alkantara also develops residencies, research, meetings, workshops and other public programmes. Alkantara is an associate of Acesso Cultura and Performart, and a partner in the European project Common Stories (2022-2025).