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image of a fossil
image of a fossil
04/09/2021 - 04/09/2021

Fossils of the future
Climate urgency workshop for kids

Palaeontologists are scientists who study fossils. 
Fossils are records of living creatures who lived on Earth millions of years ago and were preserved in the soil. Fossils are very important because they allow us to understand what life was like in the past and to discover species that are already extinct. 
In this workshop, we are going to be the palaeontologists of the future. In other words, we are going to travel millions of years into the future to analyse the remains of an invasive species that lived in the “Plastocene”, or the plastic era (the era we now live in).  
Using clay and plaster, we are going to create fossils of Plasticus maritimus and discover more about this species. 

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