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08/07/2020 - 13/07/2020


Cao Guimarães (b. 1965), one of the most important Brazilian filmmakers and artists working today, has been included in the maat Mode 2020 programme with a selection of films especially thought for a Portuguese audience, which is largely unfamiliar with his work. maat presents a comprehensive selection of his short and feature-length films directed over the last two decades, including Da janela do meu quarto [From the Window of my Room] (2004), Sopro [Breath] (2000), Andarilho [Drifter] (2006) and O Homem das Multidões [The Man of the Crowd] (2013). 

With no predefined script and always with a curiosity and attentiveness towards the surrounding environment, most of Cao Guimarães’ films are contemplative exercises of re-signification of everyday life which poetically and introspectively try to capture (and retain) the irreversible course of time and all the trivial events that would otherwise be lost to oblivion. The ephemeral, the random, the sounds of emptiness, the gesture and memory become the inspiration and driving force behind an artist continually looking for new ways to see, hear and feel the world. Other works, even though structured according to formal concepts and propositions that guide the narrative, are equally subject to happenstance and the stimuli of the external world, creating a tension between the fictional and the documentary and between cinematic and real time.  

Represented in the most prestigious international collections, such as the Tate Modern, MoMA, Guggenheim Museum, Fondation Cartier, Instituto Inhotim and Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Guimaraes’s work is regularly featured in biennials and international film festivals, scooping awards and distinctions. This cycle of screenings, curated by Inês Grosso, represents a unique moment to discover the genius of a singular figure in Latin American cinema and an invitation to embark on a journey through the history, culture and traditions of Minas Gerais and Brazil. 


08/07 – 10/07/2020 10.00 – 17.00 
Aula de anatomia, 2003, 08'00"
O inquilino, 2010, 10'34"
Between, 2000, 10'45"
Da janela do meu quarto, 2004, 5'10"
Concerto para clorofila, 2004, 07'25"
Nanofania, 2003, 3'30"
Brasília, 2011, 13'35"
Quarta-feira de cinzas, 2006, 05'48"
Drawing, 2011, 01'11"
Sopro, 2000, 5'30"
Palace Hotel, 2015, 4'00"
Word-world, 2001, 07'10"
Filme em anexo, 2015, 17'00"
Peiote, 2007, 4'10"
Hypnosis, 2001, 7'30"
Sin peso, 2007, 7'00"
Limbo, 2011, 17'00"
El pintor tira el cine a la basura, 2008, 5'00"

08/07/2020 17.00
Fim do sem fim, 2001, 92'00"
09/07/2020 17.00
Rua de mão dupla, 2002, 75'00"
10/07/2020 17.00
A alma do osso, 2004, 74'00"

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