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BoCA Summer School: “The Huni Kuin Worldviews”
Conversa: “As Cosmovisões Huni Kuin”
Conversa: “As Cosmovisões Huni Kuin”
05/07/2024 - 05/07/2024

Talk: “The Huni Kuin Worldviews”


The Huni Kuin, whose name translates as ‘True People’, are a people of the Panoan language family, inhabitants of the rainforest in the region between Brazil and Peru, south of Amazonas and Acre. On 5 July at MAAT, a collective made up of Zenira Neshane, Sabino Dua Ixã, and Txaná Nixiwaka opens the BoCA Summer School 2024 with a talk about the artistic and social practices that guide the worldviews of their people.


The event opens with the traditional songs that are usually sung when arriving in a new place. This is then followed by the presentation of the documentary Já me transformei em imagem, by Zezinho Yube Huni Kuin, as a prelude to an explanation of Huni Kuin culture, their division of historical time, and their teaching and learning processes, which are so closely linked to their contemporary experiences of political resistance. During the talk, ways of educating, transmitting, and living ancestral knowledge will be debated, considering possible strategies for engagement, preservation, health, and continuity between different territories and even different continents.


Price: €15 (includes entrance to all the Museum's exhibitions) | Free for people registered for a Huni Kuin workshop and 15% discount for people registered for other BoCA Summer School workshop(s) | 25% discount with MAAT Member Card 

Languague: Portuguese


Zenira Neshane Huni Kuin: Zenira Neshane is the daughter of Maria Sabino Huni Kuin and Sabino Ixã Huni Kuin, two important leaders of the Huni Kuin people. From an early age Neshane learnt from her mother about handicrafts, graphics, cooking, and women's knowledge within the tradition of her people. As well as being a teacher and artisan, she is one of the few Huni Kuin women recognised as a ‘pajé’ shaman, as she carries a lot of knowledge about the traditional medicine practices of her people. Neshane is also a forerunner of the Huni Kuin feminist movement, one of the first women from her indigenous land to leave the territory and leading workshops and cultural exchange activities in different states in Brazil and abroad.

Sabino Dua Ixã: Sabino Dua Ixã is a Huni Kuin elder who acts as a political and spiritual leader. He formerly lived and worked in the rubber plantations, actively participated in the struggle for the right to demarcate his land, and studied with great shamans to become one of the greatest masters of the Huni Meka (ceremonial songs) of the Huni Kuin people. Sabino lives with his entire family in one of the most remote villages of the Upper Jordão River, a place where very few consumer goods arrive from the city and where deep communication with the territory is maintained.

Txaná Nixiwaka: Txaná Nixiwaka Huni Kuin is from a younger generation of Txanás, or shaman artists, from the village furthest from the Jordão River. Since childhood, he has dedicated himself to the study of traditional song, painting, and drawings related to the traditions of his people. He is married to one of the granddaughters of Sabino Dua Ixã, of whom he is a pupil, and has been invited by him to leave his village for the first time to represent his community.

Mediação, Pesquisa e Produção

Rodrigo Moreiras: Rodrigo Moreiras is a psychologist from PUC-Rio and has a master's degree in Archaeology from the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro. He has been working with the Huni Kuin people for 16 years through projects on indigenous health, financial autonomy, infrastructure, ethno-tourism, and cultural exchange. He is the founder of the Guardiões Huni Kuin collective in Rio de Janeiro and the Guardiões da Floresta Institute, where he acts as scientific director, organises cultural exchange experiences in different countries, and coordinates the Huni Kuin Expedition project. He also works clinically, relating the knowledge of psychology to the knowledge of native peoples in different individual and collective therapeutic processes.

Mariana Carvalho: Mariana Carvalho is a cultural producer and educator with a research degree in indigenous education from the Cândido Mendes University in Rio de Janeiro. She has been working with the Huni Kuin people for 16 years through projects related to indigenous education, cultural exchanges, infrastructure, and financial autonomy. She is the founder of the Guardiões Huni Kuin collective in Rio de Janeiro and of the Guardiões da Floresta Institute, where she serves as vice-president, coordinates the institute's cultural exchange programme, the Huni Kuin Expedition project, and cooperates to improve the infrastructure conditions of the villages in the Jordão river indigenous land.

Consultoria, Mediação e Curadoria

Ana Rocha: Choreographer, curator and performer, Ana Rocha has been mediating in the field of culture and the arts for 23 years. She works in fields of multiplicity and cultural diversity, connecting points of reflection and transition by accompanying and advising institutions, non-profit organisations, artistic collectives, and national and international creators. She has a degree in Visual Arts and Art History and is studying for a PhD in Human Ecology at NOVA University of Lisbon.


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