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conference poster
conference poster
20/05/2021 - 20/05/2021

Bauhaus of the Seas
International Conference

maat is co-hosting the International Conference Bauhaus of the Seas, that brings together policy makers and experts. The Bauhaus defined the role of design in the 20th century by combining art with industry and construction. In the 21st century, the European Union proposes a new Bauhaus that will give rise to a movement towards the implementation of the Green Deal, based on sustainability and social inclusion. In response to this challenge, Portugal proposes a continental mobilisation around the first and most decisive global natural space: the sea.

The Bauhaus of the Seas, as “marhaus” (literally “the sea as our home”) or “baumar” (“the sea as a space for creation and impact entrepreneurship”), aims to promote renewed ethical and aesthetic regenerative development from a widely diverse range of dimensions of our continued relationship with the sea.

Conceived as a journey with Portugal as a starting point, the Bauhaus of the Seas will generate a design movement that will extend to all coastal and maritime regions in Europe.


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