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All Images Are Transfers
A talk with
Pedro Gomes

“Some of my drawings are accumulations of graphite pencil images that lead to the use of sheets of transfer paper. While the drawings on white paper turn into a saturated field of strokes, the opposite happens with the graphite paper. Deep black sheets of paper are marked by clear line subtractions where the material is removed.” (Pedro Gomes)

A talk with the artist Pedro Gomes on his modus operandi and an exploration of other uncommon materials in his working practices will be the pretext for discussing the condition of images in the present day — “ Nothing is original; every image is a transfer.” The artist will bring along a series of hitherto unseen drawings. 


“A-side” and “B-side” refer to the two sides of a record or cassette, but they also reveal something about their contents. The A-side is typically the official side, the one that includes the hit single. The B-side is more informal and often includes a bonus track. This maat programme, developed in tandem with The Peepshow – Artists From the EDP Foundation Portuguese Art Collection, focuses on the informal side of artists, on their B-side. It aims to create space to establish a more casual relationship between the visitor and the artist. Every Saturday at the museum, we can expect the unexpected — a concert, a drawing session with a good wine, a yoga lesson about dreams — that reveals the artist’s B-side.

Start Date

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy
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