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Services and recommendations 

Simple list
It is not allowed to enter the museum:

with bagpacks, purses (baby bags are an exception) or umbrellas;

with pets (with the exception of guide dogs).

Inside the museum is not allowed:

eating, drinking or smoking;

touching the exhibited items (unless otherwise noted);

going beyond the safety areas;

shooting with flash.

Other recommendations

Please follow directions provided by security staff, tour guides or members of staff.

Children must always be accompanied by adults.

In case of an accident or unusual incident, please report it immediately to a member of security staff.

The capture of images for professional purposes can only happen with prior authorisation.

Accordion block item

Security plan devised following the recommendations of the DGS [Directorate-General of Health] and the legislation in force.

Protection of those who serve the public, providing them with individual protection — mask, visor and gloves.

Reinforced cleaning and disinfection measures in our facilities.

Availability of disinfectant gel dispensers at the entrance of each building.

Circulation of visitors, establishing a safe exhibition circuit with fixed entrances and exits.

Purchasing tickets online or through the kiosks available at Praça do Carvão (near MAAT Central).

Failure to comply with the recommendations can result in refusal of admission or expulsion.

In case of increased number of visitors, access to the museum may be temporarily suspended.

Visitors displaying poor hygiene, who are showing signs of psychological distress or engaging in inappropriate behaviour may not be allowed in the museum.

A complaints book is available.

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