All activities are available in English by appointment.
(according to the chosen activity)
Teachers have free entry to prepare scheduled visits.
Support materials
Ongoing programmes for schools
Programmes centred on the themes of the exhibitions or other subjects in conjunction with contemporary themes, developed using a co-creation approach, where students participate in the reflection, design and implementation of the themes in focus and the structure of the programme. It consists of guided tours, talks and transdisciplinary workshops on a regular basis, culminating in the presentation of a project, which can materialise in an object, video, forum, exhibition, among other formats.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles, Secondary and Universities
Prices for school groups
(up to 28 people/group)
Guided tours
2€/student (per exhibition);
Free for teachers.
Teachers have free entry to prepare scheduled visits.
Visits by appointment. Contact us by email at
Ages: pre-school - university
Prices for groups (max. 28 people/group)
3€/student, free: teachers.
All activities available in English.
Workshops by appointment. Contact us by email at