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Art, architecture and technology tour: Without Borders
Pessoa num museu
Pessoa num museu

Most of the time, according to teaching models, subjects are presented to students in isolation, resulting in a difficult relationship between various subjects and areas of knowledge. In a museum dedicated not just to one disciplinary area, but to subjects that cross the universes of art, architecture and technology, it is important to break down boundaries, create dynamics of relationships and reveal, through non-formal education, how knowledge can be acquired through a network of information.

Based on the exhibitions on display at MAAT and practical examples from our daily lives, this theoretical-practical visit aims to relate experiences, subjects and territories of action.


With: Fabrícia Valente, Maria Ângela da Silva, Maribel Mendes Sobreira, José Santos, Patrícia Trindade, Susana Anágua

Ages: Pre-school to University

Subjects: History, Visual and Technological Education, Portuguese, Philosophy and Geography.

Preferencial hours: 10.00 - 11.30 and 14.30 - 16.00 (except Tuesdays and Weekends)

Duration: 90 min

Capacity: max. 28 people


Start Date
End Date

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy

MAAT Gallery

Created with Lunacy
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